Take Care Of Your Treatment
Aftercare instructions following Permanent Cosmetics Procedure:
Do not touch area with unclean fingers or hands. Wash hands often throughout the week.
For two hours following the procedure, use the supplied pads to clean procedure site(s). Wipe every 15-30 minutes until site wipes clean. This will assist in healing process. Pads are saturated with water and skin lubricant. Lips: after wiping, allow area to dry then apply a light application of ointment.
After the initial two hours you may discontinue the half hourly wiping of the site. Apply a very light smear of ointment (supplied) to the cosmetic tattoo area. Repeat application of ointment:
– Eyebrows: 3-5 times per day for 5 days
– Eyeliner: 1-3 times per day for 3 days
– Lips: constantly keep moist with supplied product for 10+ days.
No soap, shampoo, cleansers or toothpaste on tattoo site for one week. (Cedaphil or similar mild cleanser is okay.) Cleanse and remove old ointment by rinsing with water. Clean area at least two times a day.
Shower spray must not hit your face. Shower with your back to the spray and let shampoo run down your back, not your face.
NO STEAM. Avoid hot tubs, swimming pools, and hot baths for 2 weeks. No heavy exercising or sweating for at least 48 hours. Avoid direct sunlight (or tanning beds) for the first week.
Always make sure tattoo is completely dry before applying fresh ointment. NEVER apply ointment to damp tattooed skin. Skin must be dry before ointment applications.
Call me with any questions or concerns. Your safety and satisfaction are my top priority.
If you believe medical attention is necessary at any time during the healing process, seek it immediately and advise me as soon as possible of the problem and treatment.
Avoid commercial airlines, hospitals and other places known to be dirty or harbor infectious disease.
Eyeliner: No mascara is to be worn over eyeliner procedure for one week.
Lip specific: After the procedure, lips will feel tight. Allow them to remain immobile as much as possible until they peel (approx. 3 days). Avoid exaggerated facial expressions, drink fluids with straws and don’t pucker lips until they peel. Avoid stretching, rubbing and friction. Do not eat foods that require stretching such as sandwiches and fruits. Cut food and pass it over the lips.
Long-term care: Protect from sun by using a daily sun block, hat and sunglasses. Keep any exfoliating skin care products (AHAs, Lactic Acids, Retinol A – including Glycolic and Salicylic Acids) away from procedure area. Maintenance through color refreshers may be necessary every few years to keep your permanent cosmetics looking their best. Color refreshers are $150 per area. (Lighter colors may need refreshers more often.) Once healed, take care not to cover your permanent eyeliner or eyebrows with eye shadow or mineral foundation.
Let's Talk!
If you have any questions or would like to discuss what we can to for you, please get in touch today. We’re here to help and guide you along the path best suited to your style and features.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss what we can to for you, please get in touch today. We’re here to help and guide you along the path best suited to your style and features.